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About Us

About Us

We are engaged in providing safe and economical designs since 1996, serving clients with designs to suit their requirements. Always available to serve client needs and doubts. We always make it a point that client satisfaction is foremost. We have been associated with 125 Architects and many Builders.

Our business operations are led by Mr. Farook Mulla, our lead designer, who has 30 years experience in the field of Structural Design. A Shivaji University ranker, who started with designing for MSEB, and later on set to establish his own firm in  1996.

We have made constant strides in the field of Structural Design, serving clients and saving precious money through economical designs, while never over looking safety. Through our constant interaction with clients, we have learnt the precise need of clients and have provided them with exact solutions.

Structural audit and its importance

Any structure that is built/designed has a certain life span. It’s usually 70 years for residential buildings, 100 yrs for bridges, around 150 years for dams and so on. Though we do maintenance periodically in order to achieve the expected life span of the structure, it is necessary to carry out structural audit to ascertain the integrity of the structure. As per Government laws, first structural audit needs to be carried out after 30 years , and subsequent structural audits should be done after every 5 years. Many a times, a structure may look fit and fine on the exterior, but when observed closely, one may notice cracks in columns/beams and slabs. Tree sprouts are also noticed, whereby roots of these sprouts penetrate through the concrete, thereby causing cracks and weakening of the structure. Settlement of structure might also be noticed with respect to the surrounding area. Leakages also play a major role in reducing life of the structure. Water penetrating through concrete causes rusting of the reinforcement, which in turn reduces life of the structure.

During structural audit, a team of engineers carry out NDT ( Non-destructive testing ) and try to find out flaws in the structure. Various tests are carried out and a detailed report is submitted. The client then needs to rectify the issues observed in the report.

Why people choose us?

Personalised service to clients

Confirm savings in steel without affecting safety
Easily approachable
Quick service

Our Core Values

Safe design

Designs with ease of implementation

Economical Designs.


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